Alpha Test

Player Experience Goals:

  • Have pop up dialog box in place 
  • Grapple feature as usable
  • Environment works with grapple feature
10/23Have grapple teleport working 

10/30Have walking sprite animation in game and start jumping and climbing sprite
10/30Texture platforms and rocks 
11/1Have platform and rock texture done 


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I would say add more situations for grappling

The popup dialogue works well! I think what you have with the grapple mechanic is a good start! I am sure it is hard with coding, but it just needs a little work with fluid movement and being more straight forward in controlling. The environment works well as a platform but more could be added to it to make grappling an even cooler part of the game. Good job overall! Please keep up the great work!!

the grapple mechanics still need a little work but they seem to be functioning. Even if the ideal mechanics don't work out, you can always rework level design to focus on what does. The 2d vs 3d nature of the character and background seem a little strange at first glance but I'm really excited to see how it looks with some polish (and of course getting the wonderful artwork in there).